Ubuntu 14.04 Fallback模式,如何删除启动栏图标

Ubuntu 14.04,启用了Gnome经典模式(Fallback)。这种情况下,删除启动栏的图标一直是一个难题。



You are using the Gnome-Classic interface - either you are using this by choice, or you are using the fallback mode which occurs if your graphics card & driver doesnt the 3D Acceleration required for the full Gnome-Shell GUI.

To add and remove application launchers in the gnome-panel you need to:

Press Win+Alt and right-click the top menu bar - N.B. Win is the Windows Symbol key

If you are not using Compiz then you need to :

Press Alt and right-click the top menu bar

Much more information is described in the linked Q&A and other links in that answer.


One thought on “Ubuntu 14.04 Fallback模式,如何删除启动栏图标

  1. cyper

    一直用alt+right click,上次重新装了一遍,发现这个组合不好使了。MD原来默认安装了compiz得多加一个win键,果断把compiz卸载。


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