在一个字符串中找到第一个只出现一次的字符。如输入 abaccdeff,则输出 b。
char str_first(char* str) { char* ptr = str; int map[255]; memset(map, 0, sizeof(int)*255); // First O(N), count while(*ptr!='char str_first(char* str) { char* ptr = str; int map[255]; memset(map, 0, sizeof(int)*255); // First O(N), count while(*ptr!='\0') { map[*ptr]++; ptr++; } // Second O(N), find first and only one time ptr = str; while(*ptr!='\0') { if(map[*ptr]==1) { return *ptr; } ptr++; } return '\0'; }') { map[*ptr]++; ptr++; } // Second O(N), find first and only one time ptr = str; while(*ptr!='char str_first(char* str) { char* ptr = str; int map[255]; memset(map, 0, sizeof(int)*255); // First O(N), count while(*ptr!='\0') { map[*ptr]++; ptr++; } // Second O(N), find first and only one time ptr = str; while(*ptr!='\0') { if(map[*ptr]==1) { return *ptr; } ptr++; } return '\0'; }') { if(map[*ptr]==1) { return *ptr; } ptr++; } return 'char str_first(char* str) { char* ptr = str; int map[255]; memset(map, 0, sizeof(int)*255); // First O(N), count while(*ptr!='\0') { map[*ptr]++; ptr++; } // Second O(N), find first and only one time ptr = str; while(*ptr!='\0') { if(map[*ptr]==1) { return *ptr; } ptr++; } return '\0'; }'; }