在信息检索中,有一类任务叫做Faceting Search,在Wikipedia中的定义如下:
Faceted search, also called faceted navigation or faceted browsing, is a technique for accessing a collection of information represented using a faceted classification, allowing users to explore by filtering available information. A faceted classification system allows the assignment of multiple classifications to an object, enabling the classifications to be ordered in multiple ways, rather than in a single, pre-determined, taxonomic order. Each facet typically corresponds to the possible values of a property common to a set of digital objects.
那么如何实现这种Faceting Search呢?其本质就是一种过滤器,我们可以将分类在索引之前算好,一并存储进索引中,然后在搜索时按照value对它进行过滤,从而达到这个效果。
这个其实我们在本系列的一次《学习Xapian(1) – 基础的建索引和搜索》中,就已经介绍过了,看看Document::add_value方法吧!
Xapian::ValueSetMatchDecider(slot, inclusive),第一个是过滤第几个slot,slot的概念见第一讲,add_value。第二个决定到底是filter还是reduce(用Python的朋友知道我是什么意思的)
doc1的CLASS(slot 1)是1,
doc2分CLASS(slot 1)是2.
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <xapian.h> using namespace std; #define DB_PATH "index_data" #define TEXT1 "我是 文本 1" #define TEXT2 "我是 文本 2" #define CLASS 1 int main() { //Open database string dbpath(DB_PATH); Xapian::WritableDatabase db(dbpath, Xapian::DB_CREATE_OR_OPEN); Xapian::TermGenerator indexer; //Create Document 1 Xapian::Document doc1; doc1.add_value(CLASS, "1"); string text1(TEXT1); doc1.set_data(text1); indexer.set_document(doc1); indexer.index_text(text1); db.add_document(doc1); //Create Document 2 Xapian::Document doc2; doc2.add_value(CLASS, "2"); string text2(TEXT2); doc2.set_data(text2); indexer.set_document(doc2); indexer.index_text(text2); db.add_document(doc2); //Commit db db.commit(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <xapian.h> using namespace std; #define DB_PATH "index_data" #define QUERY "文本" #define CLASS 1 int main() { //Open database && Search Handle string dbpath(DB_PATH); Xapian::Database db(dbpath); Xapian::Enquire enquire(db); //Parse Query Xapian::QueryParser qp; Xapian::Query query = qp.parse_query(string(QUERY)); cout << "Query:\t" << query.get_description() << endl; //Set Query & Matcher Filter enquire.set_query(query); Xapian::ValueSetMatchDecider md(CLASS, true); md.add_value(string("2")); //Xapian::MSet result = enquire.get_mset(0, 10); Xapian::MSet result = enquire.get_mset(0, 10, 10000, NULL, &md); //Print results for(Xapian::MSetIterator itr = result.begin(); itr!=result.end(); itr++) { Xapian::Document doc = itr.get_document(); cout << itr.get_rank() << ", " << doc.get_data() << endl; } return 0; }